Toto Adds To Its Clean Future Line
Toto have launched a universally compatible line of toilets that can be used anywhere from the public sector to private homes.
Launched last year, the CF toilet (Clean Future) stands out for its impeccable standards of hygiene – including a powerful Tornado Flush, special CeFiONtect glaze and rimless bowl – that make it ideal for use in hospitals and care facilities, while also being a good choice for hotels and private homes thanks to its functional, streamlined and simplified design.
Now, the Japanese bathroom manufacturer have introduced a versatile series of products – a washlet, washbasin and accessible toilet – to complement the CF model that were premiered earlier this year at ISH 2015.
The CF toilet can be quickly and easily upgraded to a CF WASHLET with a WASHLET attachment, which is also compatible with many toilets from other manufacturers. If the necessary water and electricity connections are in place, an experienced plumber can complete this hygiene and comfort upgrade in a short amount of time.
The CF WASHLET includes the basic functions available in all TOTO WASHLETs: the adjustable wand jet system for warm water intimate cleansing and programmable heated seat. Three other features also offer both hygiene and comfort: the adjustable warm air dryer to follow the intimate warm water wash, a deodorizer to prevent unpleasant odours,and the PreMist function.
The PreMist function sprays the entire inside of the toilet bowl with a fine mist of water prior to use. This film of water greatly decreases the amount of dirt and bacteria that can accumulate on the ceramic surface. This improves the hygiene of the toilet while making it easier to clean without any aggressive cleansers.
Competitively priced, this collection also includes a fully accessible toilet with the corresponding seat ring.
Finally, the CF washbasins are available in two different sizes (650 or 850 millimetres in width), either with or without half-pedestals. Like all TOTO washbasins, they include the extremely smooth CeFiONtect glaze. This helps keep waste and bacteria from building up on the surface.